
Join Us in Building #

Welcome to! We’re on a mission to create an accessible, inclusive, and scientifically grounded resource for meditation and consciousness exploration. We need passionate and dedicated individuals to help us build this community and achieve our vision.

Goals #

  • To be an easy to access, free source for meditation content, especially for people new to the practice who are clueless.
  • To help spread awareness to as many people as possible that higher/different forms of consciousness exist (and are actually accessible).
  • To offer a science-based narrative as often as possible, while at the same time not becoming too complex. “Woo-woo” is discouraged. The only caveat to this is that we believe that the universe itself has consciousness. This is backed up by science more and more every single day. What this means to us is that the entire universe is ultimately one single being, with the filters created by brains (which we believe are very useful, however - our goal is not to get rid of them permanently) causing the illusion of separateness. For example, science shows us that there are literally parts of the brain that, when temporarily disabled, cause the experience of separateness to dissipate. When these portions of the brain are offline, there is an overwhelming feeling of unity. This means that the feeling of separateness is an active process, meaning it takes energy and effort to keep it going. Beyond this, look no further than the double slit experiment for more evidence that the universe is observing/experiencing itself.
  • To help lessen the stigma around meditation among religious people. We believe meditation is not a religious practice in the classical sense. Anybody can meditate. Also, we wish to dispel myths around meditation among the religious, such as: “prayer is the same thing as meditation” which often keeps people from ever truly attempting it.
  • To recognize that psychedelics and other drugs are specialized (albeit very efficient in the right hands) tools that must be approached cautiously. They are like microscopes, in that they can be used to analyze things that the human mind normally might not find on its own. The caveat to this is that we believe many of the most important revelations can and do come from meditating alone. Harm reduction is absolutely key when it comes to psychedelics and psychedelic narratives. However, we believe the risk can often be worth it due to the sheer power psychedelics have to encourage empathy both in individuals and ultimately entire cultures.

Contribute #

If you share our passion and want to contribute, we’d love to hear from you. Whether you’re just simply someone with a deep interest in our goals, an experienced meditator/teacher, researcher, writer, etc., your help can make a significant impact. We would love to have you and your skills.

Please be aware that this is to be a group of volunteers who are just passionate about sharing meditation with the world. We believe meditation is something that everyone should have access to for free.

Please consider emailing us at [email protected] for more information.